Marketing & Selling Your Private Label Candles

Marketing & Selling Your Private Label Candles in Dubai

So you got your hands on some private label candles or made the candles yourself, and are finally ready to showcase your beautiful product to the general public. Well, the allure of a flickering candle, casting a warm glow and releasing captivating scents, is universal. In Dubai, with its vibrant culture and appreciation for luxury, the room for error is minimal, and your brand should be able to tailor for the high-end demographic of the region. But how do you translate your passion for beautiful candles into a thriving business?

Building Your Brand Presence Online

Dubai boasts a highly tech-savvy population. Establishing a strong online presence is crucial for reaching your target audience. Here’s how to get started:

  • Create a Captivating Website
  • Embrace Social Media
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is key

Create a Captivating Website

Your website is your virtual storefront. Invest in a user-friendly platform showcasing your brand story, stunning product photography, and clear descriptions of your candles’ fragrances and ingredients.

Integrate a secure payment gateway to allow for seamless online purchases. I would recommend something like Stripe, to begin with. You will need a valid business license, however, they have a low fee per transaction and are easy to integrate with most of the e-commerce platforms.

Embrace Social Media

Dubai residents are active on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Create visually appealing profiles that capture the essence of your brand. Share photos and videos of your candles, highlight the fragrance creation process, and engage with potential customers through comments and stories.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key

Optimize your website’s content with relevant keywords that are tailored to your brand and target audience. You can also focus on keywords for specific fragrance names popular in the region (think warm spices, oud, or fresh florals). This increases your chances of appearing at the top of search engine results when potential customers look for candles online.

Setting the Stage for Sales

As an owner of a candle brand myself, I would say that having one source for selling your scented candles in Dubai is not enough, you will need to branch out a little. Here are a few other options, apart from your website where you can drive traffic and eyes to your products:

  • E-commerce Platforms
  • Markets
  • Wholesale Opportunities

E-commerce Platforms

Partner with established e-commerce platforms popular in Dubai, like Noon, or Amazon. This allows you to tap into a wider customer base and benefit from their existing marketing infrastructure. Just be aware of their commission rates and calculate your profits accordingly.



One very good source of income is markets. Things like Ripe Market, and NotJustForVegans, are just examples that come to mind, but there are so many markets that give you the opportunity to showcase your beautiful candles to a wide range of customers. We have done a lot of markets in the past, and it is a very nice experience, however, you have to understand the best time to visit markets as a candle brand, the amount of investment needed, and the time that you will need to invest in the market.

Wholesale Opportunities

Explore partnerships with local gift shops, boutique stores, and homeware retailers that cater to a high-end clientele. Dubai is a popular tourist destination, so consider targeting establishments frequented by visitors seeking unique souvenirs. You should be aware though because places like this tend to work on a consignment basis, and the rates are not considered low, we are looking at rates up to 40%.

What is the Best Time To Sell Candles in Dubai

The best time to sell candles is when the cold weather starts settling in. In Dubai, this is mostly from November to March. To be even more specific, holidays and festivals like Christmas, Diwali, Ramadan, and Eid, could be your gold mines for selling candles.

Remember, Dubai is a luxury market. Focus on high-quality ingredients, elegant packaging, and exceptional customer service to differentiate your brand.

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